Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs) provide a free, confidential, client-centred service around emotional and practical issues.
The service is totally independent of any statutory authority and provides support whether or not a matter has been reported to the police. Our trained accredited ISVA’s are empathetic and non-judgmental.

Our ISVAs can…
- Provide information about reporting a crime if you are considering this. ISVAs are unbiased and impartial. And can talk you through many different options if reporting to the police isn’t what you want to do
- Help you with reporting, and support you during a police investigation, liaise with the police to ensure regular updates, attend interviews, pre-court visits, support you on the day of the trial, and continue supporting you after the trial finishes.
- Organise and accompany you to GP appointments, GUM clinic appointments, Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs)

- Attend meetings with you to other agencies, e.g., CAB, Social Services, mental health teams, employers
- Advise you about or liaise with services you are entitled to, and help you access them e.g., for support with drugs or alcohol dependency, housing or benefits.
- Provide you with information on sexual health, and explain your options
- Explain about Criminal Injuries Compensation and help you to apply
The ISVA service is in addition to the counselling service RoSA offers, but you don’t have to be receiving counselling to access this service.
If you wish to speak with one of our ISVA’s you can do so in confidence by calling the RoSA office on 01788 551150, self refer Make a Referral or email in confidence to
ChISVA – Child and Young Person’s Independent Sexual Violence Advisor

A ChISVA is a specialist ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Adviser) who only works with children and young people. This is a free and independent service.
A ChISVA is someone who provides help and support to children and young people who have experienced sexual violence, abuse or exploitation. They provide emotional and practical support and can liaise between the police, courts and other agencies, acting as an advocate for the child.

A ChISVA is totally child-focused and non-judgmental, working together with a range of other professionals to provide information, advice and support. A ChISVA can support the parents and carers of a child or young person too with information and opportunities to talk through their feelings. Sometimes the parent or carer has as many questions as the child or young person about what is happening and why. ChISVA’s can answer those questions whilst maintaining confidentiality.
A ChISVA works closely with the Children and Young People counselling team to give you the best support possible. Sometimes Children and Young People have to go to court to give evidence about what has happened to them.

Going to Court?
Sometimes when something of a serious sexual nature happens, after the police investigate, it might go to court. This means a jury and judge listen to what has happened and decide what the consequence should be
This can be a worrying time but a ChISVA can talk to you about that, explain what might happen on the day and the people you will meet and even go to court with you.
Services provided by RoSA
- Adult Counselling: Our team of counsellors offer 1:1 counselling specific to your needs.
- Pre-trial therapy: Pre-trial is counselling that is offered to a victim or witness while the criminal justice process is on-going and a trial may be possible.
- Children and Young People Team: Providing counselling, art & drama therapy and ChISVA (Children’s ISVA) for children from age 5.
- Independent Sexual Violence Advisors: Accredited ISVAs offering practical and emotional support guided by you and tailored to meet your needs.
- Trauma informed courses: Group or 1:1 support to equip you with the skills needed to deal with anxiety and after effects of trauma on a day to day basis.
Helpful sites
- You may wish to visit a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) if you’d experience sexual violence. There is no pressure to report to the police but the SARC will be able to take forensic evidence in case you wish to report at a later date. If you feel that you will benefit from visiting the SARC or further information please contact
- Support for children and young people around mental health
- Exercises and activities if you are feeling worried or anxious
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